Thursday, 1 October 2009

Creating the nostrils

(Area where new polygons were created)

In order to create the nostrils, I first had to create new polygons from the existing ones around the nostrils by dragging them using the shift key. This in turn created new polygons in towards the middle of the nostril. I then pulled the polygons towards the tip of the nose and welded them together to make a point at the end of it.

(Perspective view of the nostrils)

Using the connect tool, I was then able to create double the amount of polygons so that I could include more detail around the nostrils. The connect tool is a very useful tool as it duplicates the polygons that you select, which saved me a lot of time.

Using the cut tool, I then added some more lines to make extra polygons on the nose, ensuring that there were no triangles. The cut tool works by cutting polygons that I have created in half. This means that if I have one polygon and cut it in half, I then have two polygons to manipulate, and double the amount of vertices and sides.

Once all of the vertices were positioned correctly, I was able to progress onto the next stage. The final stage of creating the nostrils was to create two polygons across them and using the extrude command in polygon mode, I was then able to push the polygons up into the nose, creating a representation of a nostril. The most difficult part of this stage was to arrange all of the vertices so that the nostrils were smooth and accurate to my original images.

(Close up of the nostrils)

As can be seen clearly from the image above, the nostrils have been extruded up into the nose. It was quite difficult getting the angle correct for this whilst ensuring that the extrusion did not affect the shape of my nose or protrude too far, causing deformation of the nose itself. I then re-modelled my nose slightly so that it represented an exact replica of my original nose. I am pleased with the results of this section. I feel that I have modelled the nose correctly and accurately with lots of detail adding to the characteristics of my face.

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