Wednesday, 25 November 2009

Model in animation

And so, I decided to animate the two front arms. This took a particularly long time because certain things had to be grouped together and moved as grouped objects. I created the animation by using frames, and moving each object every 5 frames or so. Sometimes, I needed to place the objects every couple of frames so that everything moved together as it should. Everything had to be done in stages. First, I animated the arm at the front of the model, then animated the circular disk that rotates at the front and back of the arms. Next, I animated the arms themselves, which move in a circular motion but keeping the end as a key pivot point. Finally, I animated the silver arm sliders at the end of each arm. These had to slide horizontally in a straight line, whereas the arms themselves move in a circular motion. I achieved this by moving the pivot points to the very end of the arms, so that it pivoted from there, but the rest of the arms moved in a circular motion. A preview of how the animation will eventually look is shown below:

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